Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hand Delivered my Giveaway to the Winner

So, how often is one able to hand deliver a giveaway from one's blog to the winner.  The 17th comment  on my giveaway was Doreen from Mill Bay who lives less than an hour from where I live in Victoria so I decided to hand deliver her win.  So that is exactly what I did yesterday morning, my hubby and I headed out to the Tim Horton's near Mill Bay and we met up with Doreen for a cuppa Timmies and had a great visit while she opened her win.  I initially met Doreen at the Cloth Castle quilt club two or three years ago so when my Mom chose that number (my Random Number Generator) I knew exactly who the winner was.

It was a delight to get to know more about Doreen and can't wait to see her again at Club in September.  Yes Doreen, I expect to see your black and gold quilt with or without the binding for show and share this Fall, wink, wink!

Speaking of blog giveaways I received my win from Fabric N Quilts in the mail yesterday so what a great day it was.  This is the kit I won and hope to make it up real soon.  I think my Mom would just love this after all she wouldn't ever have to water them and they will always be in bloom for her, yep that's exactly where I will hang it when I've quilted it.

fresh cut (2)

Well, I'm off to get a manicure and pedicure to which I ever rarely do in fact the last time I got a manicure was when my son go married 10 years ago and that's exactly how awful my nails look so there is more hope for my pedicure but wish me luck!  Have a quilty day.